Wednesday, May 23, 2012

SURTEX 2012 Show finished with a great upbeat note. Generally good praise from other exhibitors and Attendees. Not a lot of newbies wasting time in booths. Survival of the fitest looks like its weeding out the companies not able to adjust with the changing economy both domestically and abroad. Lots of flat fee deal requests which is bothersome, but expect to see many more of them as the nex few years come and go. Lots of follow up to get on top of. Looking for a big percentage of the contacts to pan out into good deals for our great group of talent! Always great to see friends and catch up with both personal and professional lives. Life is short, enjoy it and the people whos paths you cross. I am blessed to have made so many friends in this business and although you dont want time to go any faster than it already does, I can't wait for another SURTEX to show up on the calendar.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Calendar from Lang

Lang, a division of Perfect Timing, Inc. has introduced an Abundant Friendship 2013 calendar illustrated by Image Connection Artist, Diane Knott. The calendar rolled out at the Atlanta Gift Show in January and is now being offered for sale online at
The calendar retails for $15.95